A backup can save you a lot of time in case of emergencies, configuration errors or hacks. You could download and save it in a secure environment. And when needed restore a new appliance with the saved backup.
As always, login to the NetScaler by using an account with enough permissions to execute your task.
On the “Configuration” tab, open the menu “System” (1) and “Backup & Restore” (2).
Next click on the button “Backup/Import” (3).
NOTE: you will only see the button when no backup is created or available.
If there is one or more backups already available, you’ll see the following screen/button. Click “Backup/Import” to create a backup.
Next make sure “Create” (1) is selected as option.
Enter a “File Name” (2) meaningful for you or your company. I like to specify the type of backup (Full or Basic) the date and time of the backup. The name can be a maximum of 63 characters long.
Select the backup “Level” (3) Full or Basic.
- Basic; You can perform this type of backup if you want to back up files that constantly change. The files that you can back up are in the following table.
Directory | Sub-Directory or Files |
/nsconfig/ | ns.conf ZebOS.conf rc.netscaler snmpd.conf nsbefore.sh nsafter.sh inetd.conf ntp.conf syslog.conf newsyslog.conf crontab host.conf hosts ttys sshd_config httpd.conf monitrc rc.conf ssh_config localtime issue issue.net |
/var/ | download/* log/wicmd.log wi/tomcat/webapps/* wi/tomcat/logs/* wi/tomcat/conf/catalina/localhost/* nslw.bin/etc/krb.conf nslw.bin/etc/krb.keytab netscaler/locdb/* lib/likewise/db/* vpn/bookmark/* netscaler/crl nstemplates/* learnt_data/* |
/netscaler/ | custom.html vsr.htm |
- Full; In addition to the files that are backed up by a basic backup, a full backup has less frequently updated files. The files that are backed up when you use the “Full” backup option are:
Directory | Sub-Directory or Files |
nsconfig | sl* license* fips* |
/var/ | netscaler/ssl/* wi/java_home/jre/lib/security/cacerts/* wi/java_home/lib/security/cacerts/* |
And lastly add a “Comment” (4). This is a text field where you can add your own description up to 255 characters.
Click “Backup” to start the backup.
If you want to save created backup, you can download the file.
Select the file you want to download and choose “Download” in the Action menu. Your browser wil initiate the download. Store the file somewhere safe! This unencrypted backup may contain sensitive information and data.
You can also initiate a backup from the CLI.
create system backup "Full_20231023_1502" -level full -comment "CLI Backup"
And that’s it! Make sure to backup your config regularly.